Head coppa is one of the most delicious cooked air-cured meats made of pork. It is produced selecting accurately the lean parts of the head of the pig and adding other chosen lean bits.
It undergoes a completely natural process without preservatives.
Pure pork sausage packed in natural casings and flavored with pepper grains. Its medium seasoning makes this cold cut a special delicacy better served with appetizers with jam and local honey.
read allIt is made of pork cheek and rind, and it has a particular drop shape. After the curing process, it has been given the appropriate flavor and let it dry. Once the seasoning is complete, it can be consumed both uncooked and used in cooking main or second courses.
read allIt is produced with a selection of fresh ham coming from our slaughter with a certified production chain. Particular attention is paid to the selection and trimming phases in order to obtain a very high-quality final product. It undergoes a seasoning phase in an establishment located at the base of the Sibillini mounts with an excellent climate and lively air.
read allThe ingredients used are the same of the larded salami, except the fact that there is no chopped lard. The cut shows an amber red fine-grained structure, in whom the white of the minced lard in the texture stands out.
read allIt is the result of an ancient production. It reminds of the knife edge cut, with a pleasant mosaic of lean and fat bits in the slice. It is the ideal cold cut to have with fresh cheese and red wine.
read allIt is produced selecting correctly the deboned pig neck that is exactly trimmed in order to preserve its quality. It is manually packed in natural casings. Its accurate production and its slow seasoning make the product tasty and fragrant.
read allAzienda ammessa al Progetto Credito Futuro Marche finanziato dal PR Marche FESR 2021/2027 – Asse 1 Azione 1.3.5 Intervento di cui contributo pubblico concesso pari a € 16.181,80.